The Superfood Banana Berry Smoothie, is a fast and nutritious breakfast to start the day. It’s packed full of protein, essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants to provide energy throughout your day. You need a blender for this recipe. Choose organic produce where possible.
** This is a not a recipe for while undertaking the Reshape Program, due to banana and avocado.
INGREDIENTS:½ a banana, chopped
1 handful of berries (fresh organic berries are best, otherwise frozen is ok also)
¼ of an avocado
1 table spoon of Chia Seeds – either ground of soaked overnight. Soaking Chia Seeds overnight will help support digestion of chia seeds.
1 teaspoon Acai powder
1 teaspoon Macca powder
Protein powder of choice
1 teaspoon of LSA (Linseed, Sunflower and Almond meal)
200ml water, coconut water or almond milk
Optional extras
*1 handful of kale or spinach
*1 teaspoon of Cacao Powder
*1 teaspoon of ReShape Beans & Greens
METHOD:Combine ingredients in blender. Blend for approximately 1 minute, then enjoy straight away! Delish!