Hands up ladies if you are guilty of putting everyone else before yourself [especially over the Christmas period]
We are right there with ya! and so is Rachael Gough, lifestyle blogger of Champagne S’il Vous Plait. Rachael joined the ReShape family in 2019 after putting her foot down and saying *no more!* It’s time to put yourself FIRST.” Like all of us, her goal was to wake up in the morning with energy and vitality to conquer the day ahead and that’s exactly what the ReShape 21-day Detox is about. We provide all the products your body needs to reset metabolism and burn up stored and excess fat naturally so you finish the program refreshed and lighter!
Not only as a team of Naturopaths and pharmacists but as parents ourselves, we want everyone Men and Women to put themselves first and start feeling your most confident self every day. So please use Rachael’s code RACHAEL50 for $50 off your detox program until 2020.
Still need some more info? Here is Rachael’s experience and her results speak for themselves!
Hello Lovelies!
Recently I completed the ReShape Your Life Program, and I can honestly say I am now ready to take on Christmas, Summer and the busy Festive period!
The RYL Program is a Detox Program, with the benefits of increased energy, clearer skin and weight loss. All the things I know I personally feel in need of as we come into the silly season!
I will completely honest and upfront that I didn’t stick to the Program 100% during the 21 days, I had a few events and functions that I attended during that period. I believe that I would have lost more weight had I stuck to it 100%, however the overall benefits that I have experienced far outweigh (pardon the pun) any loss. I have SO much more energy, am no longer feeling bloated and lethargic, wake up feeling revitalised now I sleep better, and yes I lost 4kgs!
So what is the Reshape Your Life Program? It’s a Melbourne based program designed by Naturopaths and Pharmacists to simply and effectively detoxify, with added bonus of shifting hard-to-budge fat deposits from areas such as stomach, hips and thighs.
There are three stages: Loading, Detox and Maintain. All the tools you need to get the most out of all three stages arrive in one handy little box! What I liked about the program is it’s not just about fat loss, your body is looked after holistically with probiotics, multi vitamins and greens powder an essential part of the detox.

The Accelerated Fat Loss Drops are quite self explanatory, they also assist in reducing cravings, honestly the most difficult thing about the program for me was remembering to take the drops 20 minutes before eating! Other than that it’s so easy (I put a reminder in my phone ha ha). There’s an information booklet where you can take your measurements and track your weight loss, and a Recipe book with heaps of amazing recipes for variety throughout the program. I will admit I’m a creature of habit and my day to day food is quite simple, so I ended up eating mainly boiled eggs or steamed chicken with vegetables. Really quick and tasty! If that’s not your style though don’t be deterred, the recipe book has delicious recipes perfect for any foodie!
The first day I found quite easy as I was really busy and on the run all day, the second day I was at home all day and had to resist the urge to boredom snack (does anyone else do this!?!?) I have found that by increasing my water intake I have greatly reduced my snacking (my downfall) and if I feel like something a bit more I make an Iced Black Coffee. Another trick I found that helped me increase my water initially was to add fresh lemon juice to sparkling water. So refreshing and has the added benefit of extra detoxifying!
The Reshape Program advertises that you can lose up to 10kgs in the 21 Days you detox, which is amazing! Honestly though the mental clarity, and energy is worth it even if there was no weight loss or if weight loss isn’t your goal. I know so many fellow Mum’s (at all stages) will understand me when I say I’m always putting myself last and reaping the side effects of that! It’s a catch 22, always feeling like we don’t have the time to look after ourselves but then needing the energy that comes from looking after ourselves.
If you would like to take control of your energy, weight and/or vitality this festive season or in the New Year, use code RACHAEL50 for $50 OFF your Reshape Your Life Program, and start feeling more YOU again.
Rachael x